uploads/listening post.jpg

listening post 【軍事】聽音哨;(一般的)情報監聽處。

listening station

Meanwhile she is happy to push the technological boundaries of the earth ' s listening posts and is already planning even larger telescopes for future arroways to use 對于能擴展地球上偵測技術的限制,塔特感到很高興,她也著手籌劃更大型的望遠鏡,以供未來更多的艾伊莉使用。

4300098 this ability can only be targeted on listening posts with the holy icon addon 這個技能只能使用在一個加裝了神圣徽章的監聽哨上!

Of the calls to our own listening post 到我們的竊聽設備

In ' 02 , she attacked one of our listening posts in turkey , 2002年,她襲擊了我們在土耳其的一個觀察哨

Yes , sir . it ' s a listening post , sir 知道,長官,這是一個監聽站

Four days ago , our london listening post 四天前,我們倫敦的監控點. .

Our listening post in malta intercepted that fax 我們在馬爾他的的監聽哨截取了這份傳真。